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Can you sell a car with a recall?

2 min read

Recalls on cars are run-of-the-mill in the auto industry. They address safety concerns for the car and everyone inside it. From faulty airbags to defective brakes, recalls can cover many snafus. The manufacturer will notify car owners to let them know which approved service centers can make the repairs free of charge. Here's what to do if you want to sell your car, but its recall still needs to be addressed.

Seller karma

Check for any outstanding recalls on your car before listing it for sale. It's easy to look up on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website. You can also reach out to your car's manufacturer directly. If there is an open recall, it's best to fix it before selling your car. Not only does this protect the new owner, but it also protects you from bad karma.

Buyer beware

Honesty is the best policy when privately selling a car with a recall. Tell potential buyers the deal with the recall and offer up the steps you've taken to handle it. Doing this will improve your chances of gaining the buyer's trust.

Recall retail

Some buyers may hit pause when buying a car with possible safety issues, even if they’re fixable. So, handling recalls before selling will help give you the edge against hagglers.

Selling a car with a recall is doable, but it comes with hurdles, especially when selling privately. At Peddle, we could give two oomphs about cars with active recalls. You could either go through a few extra hoops or not and sell your car to us.