Here's to 20 years of making it easy-breezy to sell junk carsLearn more

How Peddle uses smart partnerships to make selling your car easy as pie

4 min read

Peddle started because selling a used car was a time-consuming, frustrating process filled with skeptical uncertainty and it just didn’t have to be. With the right network of partners, technology, and strategic thinking, selling a (very) used car could be easy. And now it is—thanks to our amazing founder, our all-star team, and this expansive network of partners.  Our car buyers and picker upper partners are CRUCIAL to our operation. Of course, there’s also our charity buds, our favorite publishers, and we couldn’t forget those handy dandy suppliers. Wanna meet the crew? We thought so.

our car buyers buy the cars

We work with a huge network of organizations that work with us to buy specific types of cars—a certain number of cars, in a certain price range, matching certain conditions. Like maybe a company wants a fleet of blue Honda Civics from 2005, we can do that. But often these car buyers are junk yards, salvage yards, or used part retailers.

We work with hundreds of these car buyers across the country. So you can imagine that as someone who wants to sell their car online, it’s way more efficient to sell your car online to us, than to try to sell it online yourself—because we have SO MANY avenues to get you a great price, hyper-specific to your particular car and it’s condition.

That said, we def try our best to match cars with a local buyer, which obviously makes everyone’s lives a little easier, plus less environmental impact. Location definitely plays a part in the process, specifically in the pricing.

Our car buyer might want your car for parts, or for scrap, or to rebuild, or just to drive—either way, your car gets responsibly recycled when you sell it to us.

our picker upper partners pick up the cars

Oh man, what would we do without our AWESOME network of tow drivers across these grand ole united states? These drivers do the work of picking up each and every car we buy, and getting it into the proper hands. They do the work of lightly inspecting the car to make sure the seller has represented the condition accurately—that the car matches the terms of the sale. If the car’s condition does not match what the seller has told us, these picker uppers sometimes have the tough job of having to explain a price adjustment, which is never fun. (PSA: Sellers, please keep it real and tell us what’s up with your car, we will most likely buy it in ANY condition, we just want to make sure you get an accurate offer.)

it takes a village, folks

We like to think of ourselves as a partner-based business—because we could not operate if it weren’t for their support. And while they support us in our goals, we get to support them—hundreds of (often) small businesses across the country, which feels pretty good. It’s a beautiful cycle and a really cool business model, if we do say so ourselves. Of course, at the end of the day, it’s all about our customers getting a great price and the best possible experience. We know, after reading this you’re probably thinking “I want to sell my car online!” And that’s great! If you have a very used, old, broken down, or just not working well car to sell, Peddle’s got you covered. Get a free, no-pressure, think-about-it offer in minutes.