How to make money fast during tax season

3 min read

Money is fleeting. Money is fun. Money is easy, until you have none.

It’s not hard to know when you’re strapped for cash…it’s strategizing how to make the money you need that can be tricky. Tax season is no different. In fact, it can be one of the most stressful times of the year when it comes to finances. We included four crafty approaches for helping you earn extra cash for an unexpected––or unexpectedly high––tax bill. Let’s go over some ways to conjure up some cash, and quick! Time is ticking!

Approach #1

Part with your old clothes. Nowadays, consignment, second hand, and thrift stores are common in most parts of the world. The saying, “one person’s trash is another’s treasure” is especially true in the used clothing world. Online resale companies like ThredUp will give you 80% of resale value, and there are many local thrift stores that have a buying team specialized in exactly that–buying your old clothes for a percentage of resale value. Some spots also offer dropoff, so you can swing by at a later date to cash out for your (gently) used threads.

Approach #2

Sell your car to Peddle. Got an old junker sitting around, or a car you’d like to part with in preparation for an upgrade? Spend 10 minutes to answer a few Qs about your car  and get an instant cash offer. If you have 10 minutes to doom scroll social media or sift through streaming services, you can spend 10 minutes selling your car to Peddle, and even get free pickup, for cash on the spot.

Approach #3

Drive for a ride share service. This is a great option if you want to work on your own schedule (freelancers, anyone?). Since you can drive as little or as much as you want, you make the rules– (within rideshare regulations, rules, and laws, of course). If you’re extroverted, this can also be a great way to meet people, have interesting conversations, and engage with your city or town’s community. Oh, and did we mention you get paid to explore your location?

Approach #4

Sell spare electronics. Ever wonder where refurbished electronics come from? There are various websites where you can sell anything from an old phone to tablets and consoles. Does your garage or basement house extra technology that could be sold and putting money in your pocket? Good news! The internet is on your side, and it wants your stuff.

Simply: Tax season can be stressful and financially gloomy, even if you paid quarterly taxes or set money aside every month of the year. Just know that when you’re in a bind, there are resources to help you get over any financial hurdle you’re facing. We may be biased, but we think selling your old scraps or junk car is the best use of your time. (10 minutes, people!)

Selling your car for cash (or check) without having to step foot inside a car? Who could hate on that—cha-ching!