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Top 10 worst cities to drive in

3 min read

Every city has roads we wish were less traveled. But that's pie-in-the-sky thinking. Traffic jams, road rage, and Swiss cheese streets are part of the day-to-day for every commuter. Here are the 10 worst towns known for their happy-less trails.

Los Angeles, California

The City of Angels is known for calling their highways a parking lot. The sprawling metropolis relies heavily on cars, leading to non-stop gridlock, especially on the notorious 405 and 101 freeways. Commuters can expect to spend endless hours in traffic, making LA a driver's nightmare.

New York City, New York

Driving in the Big Apple is more like sludging through an obstacle course. The mash-up of narrow streets jam-packed with taxis, buses, and pedestrians turns a trip across town into a demolition derby.

San Francisco, California

Frisco is a fiasco when you get behind the wheel. The steep hills alone are enough to drive you up the wall, but add a few hundred one-way streets and frequent road construction, and you're lost in a crazy town.

Atlanta, Georgia

A-Town is notorious for its traffic jams, especially during rush hour. The city's rapid growth has outrun its highways, which causes more bumper-to-bumper action than a hoedown on Friday night.

Houston, Texas

We have a problem, and it's not in space. The city's knotted mess of highways and constant construction puts a hitch in every driver's giddyup.

Washington, D.C.

Roads in the Capital can get very political. There's plenty of spinning with the city's numerous roundabouts and traffic flow filibusters with traffic lights at every intersection.

Boston, Massachusetts

Beantown's winding streets and routine road closures harbor an ocean of road rage. The city's historic landmarks distract pedestrians and drivers, causing a frenzy of fender benders.

Miami, Florida

The biggest trick to smooth sailing in The Magic City is to avoid driving on bridges. That's easier said than done in a place surrounded by beaches and swamps.

Chicago, Illinois

The Windy City is notorious for its harsh winter weather that makes the driving conditions brutal. Luckily, the snow melts for the summer, but before it does, it leaves a pothole behind to remind you of how awful it is to drive there.

Seattle, Washington

Emerald City is home to torrential downpours and hilly terrain. Bad visibility and slick roads are why Seattlites wear the dents on their cars as a badge of honor.

Driving in a city isn't everyone's cup of tea. If you're tired of the hassles of urban commuting, sell your car to Peddle with an instant offer, free pickup, and fast payment.